Empower your (inner) voice and speak your truth

Empower your (inner) voice and speak your truth

Online Course in English 17./24.04., 08./15./22.05.2024


Online Course in English

The Course
Are you longing for getting to know your (inner) voice better?
Have you explored and know your needs, wishes and longings and want to finally express them?
Would you love to:
• Understand your voice,
• connect it with your body
• and celebrating it as the expression of the unique human being that you are?


If you speak from your whole self, it’s easier to contact the deeper needs inside of you and stand up for yourself and others.


I’m looking forward to support you in finding your authentic and unique expression with curiosity, joy and care.


Online Course via Zoom

Course Dates:






Duration from 18:00 to 19:30 CET (UTC+1)


Regular: 100 Euro

Member: 80 Euro – for participants in courses and workshops of the liminal somatics community

About Sandra Borgarts

Arriving on the opera stage as a soloist, I found that the path had become my goal.
In search of my voice, I kept coming up against obstacles, and I devoted myself entirely to exploring them as invitations to grow.
The insights from this journey, which lasted more than two decades, I condensed into my own method „Voice-Body-Human“ which is holistic and versatile.
Since then I followed my passion and have been supporting people from all over the world in finding their voice and expressing it.

Registration / Anmeldung

For questions and suggestions feel free to contact me.

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